Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Nutrition With Chloe (Pt.3) Food Logs

Hey everyone! Welcome to yet another Nutrition With Chloe!
Part 3 is going to be all about tracking what you eat. There are many different ways to track your food but I want to discuss the major ones so you have a grasp on the options available.

First things first...

1 1} Food Journal

The easiest way for you to start tracking your food is by recording everything you eat in a journal. Although this information is great for you to have, it would be pointless to write it all down & not do anything with it… so there are a number of things you can do with a food journal. 

-Mood Tracker: Recording how you feel when you eat certain foods. Does this food provide good energy or does it just make you tired? Does this food make you feel good about yourself or does it make you feel gross?

-Body Signals: Recording how your body reacts to certain foods. Does this food make you bloat? Does it make you feel full all day or hungry shortly after? Does it give you any stomach pain or digestion problems?

-Rate your Day: At the end of your day, you can look back at the foods you ate and grade yourself on a scale of 1-5 (1 being your body thanks you because you filled it with nutritious foods and felt great & 5 being you didnt eat enough/ate all junk food but all in all, you feel terrible). This is a helpful way for you to be honest with yourself without feeling guilty. This is not a grade from anyone else but yourself and this will help you stay accountable to eat good food everyday & be proud of yourself afterwards.

All of the the reflections I listed above will allow you to see what you ate, which foods your body likes the most, keep you accountable for making better decisions, and keeping you motivated! There are different ways to go about journaling, but you can get a lot out of it. 
I recommend this to those of you who need the daily accountability & reminder, and for someone who is just starting out with tracking their meals. There are so many websites and cell phone apps that can help you track your meals, if you need a recommendation from me, feel free to ask.

2} Calories: Upgrading From A Basic Food Journal

 Although following your intuition and body signals is very important, for some people who do it successfully, it isn’t enough to take off the weight they so desire to remove. One way people attain a goal weight is by counting their caloric intake every day. They log their foods and serving sizes by using food labels & nutrition facts, and at the end of the day, they reach their specific calorie goal. This goal is determined using TDEE (which I explain later, don't worry).

Why Do Calories Even Matter?

If you don’t know this already know, Calories are just a word we use to describe energy. It just so happens that literally everything we do requires energy! We use calories to measure how much energy we burn daily and how much we consume.
Every day you burn a specific amount of calories just living and breathing, this is called your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Everyone has their own rate because we all come in different shapes and sizes. In order to figure out you BMR, you need to know your height & weight, then you can plug that into an online calculator. Super simple!
On top of your BMR, there is another important number known as Total Daily Energy Expenditure, or TDEE. This number tells you how many calories you burn daily including work, exercise, and activity. This uses your BMR but adds to it based upon your own job, exercise habits, and other activities you participate in. This can also be determined with an online calculator.

Knowing these numbers is crucial for anyone trying to seriously gain muscle, lose body fat, or even just get enough food during the day. It is important to have a healthy energy balance (calories in vs. calories out) as well as eating nutrient dense foods, which we will talk more about later.

Here is the website I use to calculate BMR, TDEE, calories, macronutrients, and more…
http://whataremymacros.com/      I found it to work really well and its super simple but there are also other websites out there that work just as well, like Katy Hearn Fit's website calculator.

Calorie Counting: A simple way to track

Although calorie counting works for some people, there are more approaches to fat loss & muscle gain.  You will want to choose the best approach that suits YOUR lifestyle and YOUR needs so you can succeed! Counting energy intake can be difficult for someone who is very busy & has a hard time staying on top food logs, while it could be easy for someone who has more time during their day. We will discuss different approaches to reaching our nutrition goals later.

The reason I mention Calorie Counting is because it’s one of the simplest ways to track energy. If you generally eat a nutrient dense diet but you want to fine tune your diet a bit more, you can use this to ultimately lose the weight you have had trouble losing, or vice versa.

It’s pretty easy to understand. 

If you want to lose excess body fat, then you will need to eat less calories than you burn each day, this is called a caloric deficit!   {For example: If you burn 2000 calories a day, eating anywhere below 2000 calories is considered a caloric deficit}
Being deficient in calories is not a bad thing, it just means that at the end of the day, your energy expended is more than your energy consumed causing you too lose some excess energy... aka excess body fat (stored calories). After being consistent with a caloric deficit, the numbers on the scale will go down because when you lose calories daily, you lose overall stored energy. Let me put this in perspective... Eating 500 calories less than you expend everyday will add up to a 3500cal loss at the end of a week. 3500 calories = 1Lb body weight... resulting in a pound of weight loss.
Note: These calories are NOT for you or anyone else, this is just an example. The amount of calories you eat everyday will be based on your goals (slow fat loss vs. rapid fat loss) and your own Total Daily Energy Expenditure.

On the other side of the spectrum, if you want to put on more muscle, which means growing  & gaining, you will be in a caloric surplus due to the extra calories you consume daily to grow bigger. You cannot enhance muscle size without feeding them and putting on more weight!
Eating more calories than you burn in a day will help you put on muscle & gain weight over time. Again, the amount of calories you eat daily will be based on your goals & total daily energy expenditure.

Let’s say you want to put on a good amount muscle mass. Your first step would be to calculate your own TDEE and find out how many calories you burn every day. If your goal is to gain muscle, you will want to eat more calories than you burn! 

For example: Jenna wants to put on a few lbs of muscle over 3-4 months! She burns approx. 2000 calories each day including her job and weight lifting sessions.
If she wants to put on a few lbs (lets say 3 lbs in 3 months; 1Lb/Month) she will need to eat more than 2000 calories per day. In fact, she will need to consume an extra 117 calories/ day to gain a pound every 30 days because, like I said earlier, these calories add up and at the end of each 30 day mark, she will have ate an extra 3500 calories that month!
Pretty simple right??

Now, when you know your calories in and calories out, you can log daily and try to hit those caloric goals through exercise and eating. But we have to remember that all calories are NOT equal. Calories come from protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Getting enough of each is imperative for someone who is trying to eat a well-balanced diet, as well as wanting to look & feel good. All of these nutrients have a different purpose in our bodies and we need them in order to function properly.
(Stay tuned for Part 4: Macronutrient Tracking)

*note: If you struggle with eating a nutrient dense diet with plenty of fruits & veggies, I would not advise jumping into counting calories. Start simple and just try to eat plenty of produce, high quality meat/proteins, and nutritious fats. (see my previous blog about intuitive eating)*

Now as much as I would love to go on and on about nutrition for hours, I want to make the next blog topic its own entity because there is so much information.
Please comment below if you have any questions or comments.

Hope you found this helpful :-)

-Chloe Ann

Social Media
>Twitter: ChloeAnnFit

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Nutrition With Chloe (pt.2)

Nutrition With Chloe
Part 2: Finding The Right Approach

In today’s world, there are so many different versions of what we consider healthy and the diet plays a huge part in that. There are plant based diets, paleo, ketogenic, low carb, and many more ways that work for certain people. As I mentioned before, you get out what you put in, so the more nutritious you eat, the better, but there are many ways to go about eating nutritious foods. I want to help you find the way that works best with your body, your goals, and your lifestyle!

Whether you have struggled with weight your entire life or you’re trying to keep it tight & right, this will help you choose an efficient way of accomplishing that. But, it is very important that you pay attention to what you are putting into your body when you have these specific goals.

The 3 important factors of changing your body composition with your diet are: 

Calories In vs Calories Out (energy balance)

Macronutrients (carbs, fats, protein)

Micronutrients (vitamins & minerals)

Whatever healthy eating habits you have, for optimal performance and results you NEED to pay attention to these key factors. The following paragraphs will teach you all my ways & lead you in the direction to the body of your dreams, self-confidence , and appreciating your body on a whole other level. As well as all the boring ways to meet your dietary needs and yata yata yata. But I promise, I will keep you interested & well educated so stay tuned.

The first approach I want to talk about is intuitive eating...

Intuitive Eating: What We Already Know

Intuitive eating or mindful eating, is square one, it is the simplest form of food/hunger awareness, and yet many people struggle with it. I have struggled with it my entire life. Eating mindfully consists of eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you get full, allowing yourself to enjoy the foods you love, but ensure to eat the foods that fuel your body the best. Being more intuitive about eating is harder than it sounds. Many of us eat when we’re bored, not when we are truly hungry and many of us overeat, simply because the food is just really good or we just don’t care to listen to our bodies. 
If you struggle with any of these problems, know that they can be fixed, you just have to want to fix it.

This approach helps you to understand your body’s signals, allow you to appreciate food without obsession, and will help with self-control. I recommend this to anyone who needs that self-control when it comes to food, as well as those who aren’t as concerned with weight loss as they are being healthy. In my opinion, everyone should try to eat more mindfully before they go tracking their calories or macros because having food discipline and understanding your body’s hunger is SO important and a good trait to have.

Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat (Michelle May, M.D.) is a great book that I recommend for everyone, but specifically someone who struggles with overeating, coming to terms with certain foods, and being mindful. Basically, Intuitive eating is a non-restrictive way of life where you learn to eat only when your truly hungry, eating all different types of foods and being mindful as you eat so you don’t overdo it…aka not scarfing down your food as fast as you can.

 As someone who has struggled with over eating and binge eating “bad” foods, I understand that it’s VERY hard to break this habit but it is SO important, especially because food should not rule your life. If you struggle with this, work on strengthening this area of your life, or food will continue to take over & those eating habits will continue to get worse.

Now I know that I stressed the 3 key factors to changing body composition and this approach doesn't involve paying as close attention to energy balance or tracking macro/micro nutrients...
 BUT if you don't normally eat mindfully or put nutritious foods into your body you will definitely see a change in body composition after you do. Unfortunately, if your goal is weight loss, it is highly likely that you will plateau in fat loss by just "eating clean". 

For example:
One of my clients started eating more intuitively with cleaner foods (less processed, whole ingredients) and she saw a weight loss of 11 pounds in 3 weeks. She plateaued there and actually gained 2 pounds. Once I gave here a daily caloric intake and macro-nutrient split, she saw 9 more pounds of weight loss! 

Hope you found this helpful :-)

Respond to these questions & send them to me! I am going to hold you accountable & help you find those ways to get your shit together. I promise, I will help you as much as I can.
My email is: chloeannfitness@gmail.com 
Even if you aren't a current client, I would love to help you reach your goals.

-Chloe Ann

Social Media
>Twitter: ChloeAnnFit

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Nutrition With Chloe: Getting Started | Mindfullness Challenge

Nutrition With Chloe

Welcome back to this nutrition series!
Today I am going to talk about getting started & finding what works for you.
Please stay tuned for more :-)

Feeling Lost? Here’s Where To Start

You’re probably curious about how the heck to even start your new lifestyle. Well, I am going to let you in on my secret. You just go for it. Your mind may tell you cookies are more worth it, it may also tell you that you should sleep in the extra hour when you could be at the gym, but you have to overcome those thoughts. That is your inner child, the one that whines about almost everything besides the fun stuff. The side of you that is almost a little too care free. The side that eats whatever is most appealing. But guess what? You are the decision maker and you can’t keep enabling yourself. You are in control, so if you really want to do something, just do it!

Some people make it look so easy, when we all know it’s not. If you don’t already know, I lost 50 lbs over about two years. I have maintained that weight loss because getting to a healthy weight wasn’t a phase of my life or a temporary fix, I still continue to work for the body I want. Yes, 2 years may seem like a long time but that is because I wanted to do it the right way, the way the worked for me. Slow and sustainable, and by taking baby steps towards health. And let me just add that I looked better, felt better, and am now the most confident I’ve ever been.

Every day is an opportunity for you to grow & surprise yourself! You will never be completely satisfied with what you have, and why should you be? Being content with life is boring and pointless. You should always strive to improve, even if improving to you means toning that flabby ass or learning how to get a salad instead of fries.

When it comes to making those improvements, you are going to have to learn how to do things the right way.  Getting in shape is a great process if you’re enjoying the exercise you partake in, but you also can’t out run a bad diet. What I mean is, if all you do is eat crap day in & day out (aka processed carbs, more processed carbs, with some fat here and there) but you still work out, you probably won’t see much progress. If you do, you still aren’t helping yourself. And don’t think that eating a lot less is going to help you either. The right way to do things is simple. Find the way that works for you, whether that’s eating mindfully, staying away from taco hell, or drinking a green smoothie every morning… The best way for you to succeed is to enjoy the process & listen to your body.

How Do You Know What Works For You?

You’re going to have to try different things. Track your food for a week, set a reminder on your phone to drink water,
meal prep your lunches ahead of time,
or drink less and less soda every day.
Any of those are what I like to call self-experiments, where you try new things to see what works for you. 

For example, I’ve tried strict dieting with no treats… doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried giving up soda… that worked for me (it’s not even a thought on my mind anymore). I’ve tried more of these self-experiments & whether they’re successful or not, I am learning a lot about my body and how it works.

You will find something that works for you, just don’t give up. I am going to help you find ways to make this whole “Healthy Eating” thing much easier. Remember: avoid large leaps. Take small steps towards a goal & before you know it, you will get where you need to be.

Nutrition Challenge: Be Mindful

This week work on being more intuitive about your eating habits.
Write down a couple things you need to work on with your eating habits & then write down ways to improve them.

Here is an example of habits I’ve had to work on myself:

1.      Eating when I am bored.
2.      Not eating enough fruits & veggies (eat too much processed junk)
3.      Eating way to fast & over eating.

Here is the list of how I improved:

1.      Don’t eat when you’re bored, pay attention to your actual hunger signals.
2.      Add more fresh fruits & veggies to my day.
3.      Pack lunches ahead of time so I don’t go hungry or eat crap.
4.      Eat slower and stop when full.

If you want to lost weight or see better results, these are easy baby steps you can make towards that weight loss. Remember, try different things that apply to you. Understand your problems & you will be able to fix them.

Now it’s your turn…

·        What do I need to work on?

·        How can I improve those things?

     Nutrition Goals:

Respond to these questions & send them to me! I am going to hold you accountable & help you find those ways to get your shit together. I promise, I will help you as much as I can.
My email is: chloeannfitness@gmail.com 
Even if you aren't a current client, I would love to help you reach your goals.

Social Media
>Twitter: ChloeAnnFit

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Nutrition With Chloe (pt.1)

Nutrition with Chloe

Welcome to my first nutrition blog!
I am writing this to anyone who needs that extra push& advice to get their life on the right track. Struggle with eating right? I got you. Can't seem to find motivation? I'm here to help. Stay tuned because there is plenty more where this came from.
| Listen Up |

The first step to creating a better lifestyle for yourself is to make friends with your flaws, get to know them… really well, so that you can beat those bitches for Prom Queen. This is how it all started for me. I was done settling for runner up, I wanted to be #1 in my life… I wanted to feel important and the only way to accomplish that feeling is by striving to be a better you, working on yourself every single day. As someone who struggled with weight my entire life, I know what it’s like to never feel good enough. I dreamed of having that body where people wouldn’t just look, but they would double take because you’re THAT flawless. I googled how to lose weight fast, tried weird fad diets, but never wanted to fully commit to a change in lifestyle until I reached “that point”… You know, that point in your life that you are done blaming everyone and everything else for the circumstances you are in. The point where you’re finally ready to make a change in your life instead of beating around the bush.

It was all uphill from there… Yes, uphill because working out and eating healthy was a struggle bus for me, the girl who ate everything put in front of me & would rather play video games than spend 20 minutes working out. But I did it. That is why I am here today, and you can change your life too, you just have to choose. You are the only one stopping you from being the Prom Queen. Being the bad ass you set out to be. And let me be completely serious about that part because anyone who works out regularly & wants donuts but chooses veggies is a TRUE bad ass.

| Not Your Typical “30 Day Meal Plan” |

The one thing I dislike more than quick fixes, is basic meal plans made for the average Joe, or Josephina lol. You are an individual, and no one else on earth is like you, so why would you follow a plan that hundreds of other people follow? Your body is different than all of those people. When you want to lose weight, feel better, & have a healthy body you have to make a life style change that suits you, or it simply won’t work… or will temporarily get the job done until you gain all that weight back & then some. You will wonder why you worked so hard or spent a ton of money just so you could throw it all away 6 months later. Here is the thing, when I said lifestyle change, I meant you’re literally going to change your life. For the better, I promise, because once health & fitness is a part of your life, you will never want to go back to your old ways… even if Ding Dongs & Nachos are that good.

I don't prescribe meal plans, nor am I going to tell you what you should & shouldn’t eat because health isn’t all about that. It’s about deciding to give yourself the life you deserve by making better choices, whether it’s to better your body, mind, or spirit… because it’s in your best interest. This isn’t going to be a quick fix, and if you’re looking for one you are in the wrong place. This is the start of something new and I promise, if you stay motivated & understand why you need to do this, getting exercise and eating healthier will come along naturally.

I know, you’re probably thinking "Why am I even reading this?”.. Let me answer that for you. Because you need it. If you clicked onto this blog and read this far, you wanted to hear it for a reason. I am doing this to help you find your path to healthy living and I sure as heck ain't gonna sugar coat everything for you... I am going to help you change your life.

-Chloe Ann

Social Media
>Twitter: ChloeAnnFit

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Crockpot Series, Day 2: Turkey Chili

Hey guys, welcome to day 2 of my series. Today I want to show you guys how to make...

4 Ingredient Turkey Chili

First things first...
1. 2 Cans of Beans! -your bean of choice, or mix it up like me {kidney & black}
2. 1 lb Ground Lean Turkey {i used 93% lean}
3. Canned Tomato. Either 1 can tomato sauce or 2 cans diced. {i used one of each}
4. Chili spices or Prepacked chili mix. {I used 1 Mrs.Dash chili package}

1. Brown your turkey. Use a frying pan on medium!
      ..while that's cooking...
2. Turn crockpot on high
3. Dump in the canned foods & chili spices/mix
4. Add cooked turkey
5. Cover and let cook for 0:45min-1:00hour on High, and then set it to 'keep warm'
6. Serve!

You can also add a can of corn if you like that & sprinkle some cheese over the top :-)

-Chloe Ann

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Crockpot Series, Day 1: Picante Chicken Soup

Welcome to day 1 of my crockpot series, I am super excited to share some tasty recipes with you.

Today's Recipe: Simple Picante Chicken Soup

- 2 Jars Picante Sauce
- 1 Can of  Low-sodium Black Beans
- 1 Can Organic Sweet Corn
- 1 Can Sliced Olives (small can)
- 2 Large Chicken Breasts {I use simply truth free range chicken}

1. Place your slow cooker on high
2. Cut chicken breasts up into smaller bite sized pieces.
3. Open all of your canned foods and drain liquids.
4. Dump all of your chicken into the cooker
5. Pour one jar of picante sauce over the top of the chicken
6. Add the corn, beans, and olives
7. Pour the second jar of picante sauce over the top
8. Stir it a little, Put the lid on, then cook for about 2-2&1/2 hours on high
9. Serve when ready!
10. Garnish with fresh avocado and cilantro.. so good, trust me!

I hope you guys enjoy this recipe, I know we did at my house. Please let me know if you do end up trying it and feedback would be appreciated.

- Chloe Ann